Children in the historic environment

It’s time to throw out Keep off the Grass signs and bring back Roly Polys. Children and the outdoors go together like jelly and ice-cream, so let’s celebrate!


Exploring, wondering, clambering, rummaging – there is so much for children to enjoy in our outdoor heritage, be it park, garden, countryside or urban scene. So why do we instead too often rely on a soulless prescription of plastic equipment, well-meant fact sheets and gift shop bribes?


We need to stop using Health & Safety, budgets and asset protection as an excuse. Let’s shake our youngest stakeholders by the hand, engage our child visitors in our landscapes, and empower them to … enjoy!


No more dragging feet and weary grumbles, let’s have hilarity over ha has, marvelling at monkey puzzles, giggling at gnomes and delight amongst the dahlias. And, of course, silliness on the slides.

Linden Groves


Linden Groves is a landscape historian and mum-of-three with a determination to give the historic outdoors a small place in every child’s heart.


Having worked for almost twenty years as a mainstream landscape historian, dealing with conservation issues and writing books, Linden’s experiences visiting parks and gardens with children have given her a passion for engaging the young with their outdoor environment.

Portfolio: the story so far...

For many centuries, children have been playing in the outdoors - from gardens to forests to street corners.


So why do we know so little about these children from history, and why are we still struggling with approaches to children and outdoor heritage today?


Take a look at Linden Groves' unique portfolio of work on the subject.


Services: let me help you

Linden is passionate about sharing her love for the historic outdoors with its youngest stakeholders. 


Take a look at her services and how they can help you.

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